
Pelvic Health PT

Whether dealing with pelvic pain, incontinence, tailbone pain, or even low back and hip pain, the pelvis is usually involved. It houses our reproductive, urinary and gastrointestinal system and when one of those systems are unhappy, you can bet it will affect the other systems and even your muscular and skeletal system.

When treating patients, I treat holistically and will look at all aspects of the body from how you move to what you are taking into your body, nutritionally and emotionally.

My services consist of the use of manual therapy, visceral mobilization, Holistic Pelvic Care™, hypopressives, postnatal rebozo massage, therapeutic exercise, and self-care techniques. I offer telehealth and concierge services (house calls).

Looking to see if Pelvic PT is covered by your insurance…

I am happy to announce that I am a co-founding provider with Akin, a comprehensive health care group that meets all of your healthcare needs (acupuncture, physical therapy, mental health, doula, midwife, lactation consultant and meal planning) all in one place. To see if you your insurance covers these services, click on the button below to get started.
